How best to prove my ability to master a new company, sector or strategy?  Look for people who have shown the penchant for personal disruption, who have followed non-traditional career paths.  Why?,
It is important for all aspiring executives to think about disruption in the context of their careers and to consider job changes that prove an ability to master new companies, sectors, cultures and strategies.  (Harvard Business Review, July 2, 2012, Claudio Fernández-Aráoz)

Today's path for business growth is not perfectly linear. In this new normal, industry
experience and knowledge are less relevant, while an executive's abilities to learn and adapt, to be resilient and to connect with others are ever more crucial.  For example,

Lessons Learned in a Non-Linear Career:


► Small Businesses & Start-Ups:
  • The Pareto Principle is really 99-1.
  • Never, ever give up — press on! 
  • How to wear many hats, & to be humble.
  • Educate customers about a new product concept first, then convert them . . . it's cheaper than doing it in reverse.
.► Medium Sized Companies:

  • Marketing's Golden Rule:
    The truth isn’t the truth until people believe you, and they can’t believe you if they don’t know what you’re saying, and they can’t know what you’re saying if they don’t listen to you, and they won’t listen to you if you’re not interesting, and you won’t be interesting unless you say things imaginatively, originally, freshly.”
     ~ Source:  adman Bill Bernbach.

.► Large Corporations:

  • Business ideas evolve  — bet on the jockey, not on the horse.
  • How to build and protect a strong brand (e.g. the role of Intellectual Property).
  • The cost when an older firm's existing value networks place insufficient value on a disruptive innovation =  the older firm can at best only fend off market share attack with a "me-too" entry, for which survival (not thriving) is the only reward.


► Family Owned Business:

  • Boot-strapping & sweat equity.
  • Strong work ethic & pride of ownership.
  • Commitment to ethical values and to consistently deliver what is promised, plus one!

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