Hire TALENT . . . not industry EXPERIENCE & KNOWLEDGE!

"Imagination is more important than
knowledge, because knowledge
tell us what was, whereas
imagination tells us what will be."
                       - Albert Einstein
Don't just find "a person" to fill a slot for a year or two . . . instead find "the right fit" — the person who will have an immediate effect on your bottom line!  When you are not looking for a short term fix, but instead require a long term solution, contact Jeff Tyler, Marketing Executive.

Today's path for business growth is not perfectly linear.
This gives you an ideal way to differentiate stars from average performers in new roles.

Business success used to depend on experience, knowledge, and ability. But things have changed as
business has become more global and diverse.

In this new normal, industry experience and knowledge are less relevant; these merely point backwards to "what was":
  • Experience?  Well we live in an increasingly
    uncertain and volatile world where even the
    has become unpredictable.
  • Knowledge has become as rapidly obsolete as it is universally available via Google.
More crucial traits for business success today are an executive's abilities to learn and adapt, to be resilient and to connect with others. These adaptive skills tell you a lot about several powerful intelligence-based competencies — flexibility, adaptability, organizational awareness and relationship management — that differentiate stars from average performers in new roles.

These economic times call for adaptive and creative business leaders to deliver a clear vision of what can be achieved. Only a non-traditional, non-linear career path demonstrates an adaptive skill set embracing challenge and indicating "readiness for the job" . . . a proven ability to master new companies, sectors, cultures and strategies to achieve business growth.
